Thursday, September 6, 2007

"Why I Write"

Now entering college, I thought about many reasons why I write: I write to educate myself. I write because I am told to. I write for school. I write down my feelings. I write to describe the way I am feeling. I write to keep in touch with friends and relatives. I write in a diary for memories. I write when I am happy or sad. I write to remember my agenda. I write to study. I write when I am bored. I write to the one I love when he is away. I write because it helps me learn. I write in Italian. I write when I am up all night and cannot sleep. I write when I am procrastinating. I write when I am working. I write on post-its for reminders. I write to keep my mind off of things. I write to distract myself from nervous situations. I write with colors to pin point important information. I write for children. I write with crayons to help children learn. I write with food, like M&M’s or skittles, to make learning fun. I write with challenging words to help myself become more educated. I write to get criticized so I can fix my mistakes. I write down my interests. I write down dance routines. I write holiday cards. I write because it is a part of me. I write on pictures to remind myself when they were taken. I write to improve. I write for my career so I can prosper. I write for my parents to help them remember. I write checks to pay bills. I write in a notebook to study for exams. I write on a laptop to keep organized. I write on colored index cards because I feel it helps me do better on midterms and finals. I write for me because it has helped my growth from grammar school to college. Writing is a very important part of the learning process.

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